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Vaginal Tightening: Is It Worth It?

As you know, there are many changes that naturally happen within your body as you age. Your skin may wrinkle, your hair may turn gray or become dry, and your joints may become painful and stiff. One lesser mentioned but no less important change that happens is in your most feminine area: the vagina. Vaginal changes happen because of natural aging, but they are also sped up by multiple vaginal births, disease, surgeries, and weight fluctuations. With today’s vaginal tightening procedures, your vagina can feel tight again and just as healthy and vital as it did when you were in your twenties.

Vaginal tightening uses radiofrequency energy to target the tissues directly at the source. The devices produce a special energy that is absorbed by the vaginal tissues. The energy goes directly to work on the collagen within these cells, strengthening existing collagen and jumpstarting the production of new collagen.

You may now be worrying that this sounds much too good to be true. After all, how could a non-surgical produce this much change? If you are wondering whether vaginal tightening is worth it, we invite you to discover some of the expected and unexpected benefits from this increasingly popular treatment.

Whether your vaginal wall is stretched out from years of use and natural effects of aging, or your vaginal wall has changed with scarring and trauma from childbirth, we can remodel these tissues to create a vibrant, healthy area. These changes will make sex feel better as you and your partner experience more friction. Plus, vaginal tightening often provides a secondary benefit of increased moisture in the area, decreasing dryness and discomfort with intercourse.

Surprisingly, your reproductive and urinary organs are intertwined, and a strengthening and tightening of the vaginal walls may also lead to a strengthening of the tissues around the bladder, ureters, and urethra. Many patients require only one vaginal treatment to see great results. Those who need more vaginal tightening likely require three sessions.

Our customized vaginal tightening treatments at Orange Blossom Women’s Group can help you feel more like yourself once again. Call us today to schedule your consultation at our office in Trinity.

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